Updates from the Border: The End of Title 42
When the pandemic started in 2020, Donald Trump enacted a policy called Title 42, which closed the border to anyone seeking asylum. During Biden’s presidential campaign he vowed to end this horrible policy, but is now only being forced to because the CDC is no longer enforcing COVID as a global pandemic, meaning Title 42 can no longer be in effect legally. After 3 years of the Southern border being closed, it finally ended on Friday, May 12.
While this might seem like great news to some, the new methods of deterrence and removal are outrageous. The bottleneck created by Title 42 was ignored by all levels of government for years, and has now led to an inhumane and reactionary response that prioritizes immediate deportation before people even get a chance to seek asylum. The lack of preparation has also left local shelters and border communities to deal with high numbers of people who have crossed the border and are in urgent need of shelter, food, and clothes.
Meanwhile, the dehumanization of migrants over the last three years has led to racist policies like HB20 (a Texas bill that would fund DPS and deputize vigilantes to arrest and detain anyone they perceive as a migrant throughout the state) to be filed and considered. The vilification of migrants has caused more and more people to engage in violent rhetoric and actions leading to migrants' death on both sides of the border^.
Join us June 1st at 5:30pm to learn more about the situation on the border from our colleagues on the ground.
Come learn with us about this important topic and get updates from expert advocates working on the front lines of this issue.
Register at bit.ly/borderupdates

Aprenda mas sobre su ITIN
Únase a nosotrxs para una sesión informativa de ITIN con nuestra invitada especial Jessica Aliaga-Froelke. Jessica ha sido especialista en reparación de crédito por más de 17 años, también es la presentadora de Latino Libre USA, un podcast donde entrevista a inmigrantes latinos sobre su historia en los Estados Unidos. La sesión se enfocará en compartir información sobre los derechos de las personas que tienen ITIN o que han tenido ITIN, cómo transferir su historial de taxes de ITIN a su número de seguro social, cómo solicitar un informe de crédito, etc. También hablará brevemente sobre los cambios para la temporada de impuestos de 2022.
Jessica Aliaga-Froelke es la fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Hispanic Solutions Group. Ha trabajado como especialista en reparación de crédito durante más de 17 años, ayudando a miles de personas y contratistas, tanto dentro como fuera de los Estados Unidos, a lograr sus objetivos crediticios. Originaria de Perú e inmigrante a los Estados Unidos, experimentó de primera mano los efectos de la ignorancia financiera intergeneracional. Después de salir adelante, se dispuso a educar y ayudar a otras minorías económicamente excluidas a lograr capacidades financieras y sus propias metas financieras. Actualmente, Jessica es la presentadora del podcast Latino Libre USA, donde entrevista a latinos que viven en los EE. UU. sobre su propia historia, los desafíos y los triunfos que han tenido desde entonces.

Legislative Session 2023: Immigration Advocacy
Join us as we prepare for the end of New Mexico's 60 day legislative session and learn from our community partners about legislation and advocacy opportunities to benefit New Mexico's immigrant community members. Speakers from SOMOS Un Pueblo Unido, the New Mexico Dream Team and more will be sharing their legislative priorities, successes and goals as we head into the last few weeks of the session

Shut Down Torrance County Detention Facility
Currently and formerly detained migrants alongside attorneys, paralegals, and advocates from SFDP, NMILC, ILL, ACLU-NM, LAIAC, JFON- EP, have all come together to share the horrendous conditions and treatment that migrants have suffered at this detention center. Torrance has failed an OIG inspection, and migrants have submitted two civil rights complaints, yet the facility still remains open. Torrance has proven time and time again to be dangerous, and now is the time to act and demand closure of Torrance.

Understanding DACA
Since its creation in 2012, DACA has been besieged by legal attacks trying to end the program. Just a last week, the Fifth Circuit sustained a lower court decision determining DACA to be an illegal program that should be ended. Meanwhile, thousands of individuals across the country have had DACA status for many years and as a result have gained access to higher education, employment opportunities and financial stability. Join us for a night of deep learning about the benefits, limitations, and challenges facing the DACA program.